Friday, April 17, 2009

4give me...

you all my friends,they all my friends,and i believe that they all are my true friends even though they don't like me...and i want this relationship will last forever...


forgive me ,all of you if i've made a mistake to you...
side by side or miles apart, good friends are always close to the heart...

a message for my reader
and i hope you all will make it happen
"No matter how small it was,
don't make the problem bigger..."


  1. ngade la tu letak name kite've never made me mad.i did.sorry.i love you!!!!!(of course as my friend)

  2. name ferah ats skali!!i x jelous tpi cemburu...uhukuhuk

  3. makin atas ade hadiah ka?hukhuk...
